Weight loss preparations are one of the most sought-after dietary supplements which people are looking for nowadays. One is ready to anything to manage their weight issues naturally.

We all know that eating right and regular workouts are the best cheats to achieve the mesmerizing body. There are many natural and herbal supplements which can help you to achieve a great body when combined with a life-changing diet and exercise routine.

Good quality natural supplements can give you a reforming experience that will leave you feeling absolutely fit and healthy. Look for natural ingredients with minimum additives and chemicals so that there are minimal side effects and amazing results so that the products you use prove to be an absolute value for money.

Obesity – Leading Lifestyle Disorder in the World Today!

Obesity is one of the fastest rising health problems today. It is a major health risk as it is a precursor for cardiovascular problems and Diabetes. People look for natural health supplements that can help them in maintaining weight without having to deal with the side effects of modern weight loss medicines, liposuction, and cosmetic surgeries.

Excessive weight is a major cause of cosmetic disfigurement and leads to extreme mental depression and stress especially in youngsters. Given our food habits, preventing obesity has become a big problem these days.

Is there any Ayurvedic Treatment for the Management of Obesity?

Ayurveda describes the excessive accumulation of fat in and around the various body parts under the heading “MEDOROGA”.

Med or fat tissue is one of the seven prime body tissues in Ayurveda. Six others being Lymph, blood, muscles, bones, bone marrow and semen.

In overweight or obese patients, MEDOVAHASROTASAS (The channels of circulation that regulate lipid metabolism in the body) are blocked leading to the faulty metabolism of the fat depots which leads to obesity.

The combination of herbs used in these supplements attack the fat deposited in the body and melts them so as to be effectively excreted out by the body. The herbs also help support the metabolism of the body which promotes effective utilization of the food eaten for generating energy.

Herbal Remedies can help you in the maintenances of a healthy weight by cleaning the medovaha srotasas and supporting a healthy musculature.

Can Herbal Remedies Help in Weight Loss?

Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda’s provides a great solution for people struggling to maintain a healthy body weight. These remedies can be matched with any moderate physical activity like walking, jogging etc. for better results. Otherwise also, for people who do not have time to work out or do any form of physical activity, herbal remedies can help them to at least maintain a healthy weight.

Herbal Remedies for Obesity by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda offers the best combination of effective herbal remedies in a form of a pack Thinner You Pack for ayurvedic treatment of obesity. We provide 100% pure and natural products. All of the products are free from side effects and are safe to be used. And they are formulated by MD Ayurveda doctors. All of the medicines from the house are made without the addition of chemicals or additives or preservatives in it.


  1. Guggul Capsules : 1 capsule twice daily, with warm water half an hour after meals.
  2. Stholyantak Churna: 1 teaspoonful, twice daily with warm water after meals. Its decoction can also be prepared by mixing 1 teaspoonful of the powder in a glass of water and boil it to one-fourth of the quantity drink it at room temperature. Make fresh every time you drink.
  3. Trim Support: 1 capsule twice daily, with warm water half an hour after meals.
  4. Garcinia Capsules: 2 capsules, twice daily with warm water half an hour after meals.

Products Description

1. Guggul Capsules

This is also a popular herb, known since olden times for its amazing properties. It is very effective in supporting healthy body musculature and fat and muscle mass ratio.

The guggulsterones present in Guggul extracts are the active compound present in Guggul also known as Commiphora mukul.

Ayurveda also explains guggul properties which make it a great purifier of body channels. When the body channels are working properly without any blockage the metabolism of lipids and fats is also maintained.

2. Stholyantak Churna

It has a combination of 13 herbs that are useful in maintaining a healthy body weight. The powder blend of these herbs helps to support carbohydrate and protein metabolism and also brings about a balance of the three body energies, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is a great antioxidant and a natural source of many minerals and vitamins.

3. Trim Suppor

Trim support capsules is an herbal mix of Garcinia cambogia, Myroblans (Triphala) and Cyperus rotundus (mustak). This capsules contain standardized extracts of all these herbs.

The herbs balance the three body energies and effectively help in maintaining a state of health in overweight patients.

4. Garcinia Capsules

Garcinia cambogia is a premier herb that is very popular for its effects in maintaining a healthy weight. This capsules are very effective for long-term weight management in obese people.

Garcinia capsules are prepared from the fruit rind of Garcinia cambogia. This capsules are 100 % vegetarian and have no side effects. They contain standardized extracts of Garcinia cambogia.

When combined with an effective weight loss diet, Garcinia cambogia has an unmatched effect in supporting healthy fat metabolism in the body.

To buy Thinner You Pack, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/thinner-you-pack.